Tattoo Time (Part I)

Using various LLMs to generate tattoo designs
image generation
emotional appeal
image recognition



March 2, 2024


Creative support

I just finished a yoga retreat in the Amazon Jungle, and I want to commemorate the experience. I also thought this could be a great opportunity to test the image generation abilities of various LLMs.

Commemorating a positive experience

I was interested in trying multiple different LLMs to determine which could perform this task best. Of course, I wanted to try ChatGPT, Gemini, and CoPilot. I also wanted to try Tattoo GPT.

For those of you who don’t know, ChatGPT has specific GPTs that have been trained to complete more specific tasks that the general ChatGPT system. One of these public GPTs available for use is called Tattoo GPT. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to test out its capabilities.

I asked the same request of ChatGPT, Tattoo GPT, Gemini, and CoPilot: ” I just finished a yoga and meditation retreat, and I am feeling very centered and connected to nature. The retreat was in the amazon jungle and was hosted by shipibo shamans. Can you help me design a simple and elegant tattoo to remember the experience”

Tattoo GPT

Tattoo GPT replied: image.png

I agreed with the concept, and it sent through the first image with the following description:


“Here’s a visual sketch of the design concept we discussed. It integrates a Shipibo pattern with elements of nature, such as leaves and vines, and includes a subtle symbol representing either the lotus flower or Om, capturing the essence of your experience with yoga and meditation in the Amazon jungle. Take a moment to review the design. If you feel any adjustments are needed, or if you’d like to explore different elements, please let me kno”

The image was pretty good but it was a bit too complex for me. I think I would have preferred a simpler design.

I followed up: “That is nice, but could you make it smaller and simpler? I would like it to be subtle”

It sent the following image and description: image.png

“I’ve created a simpler and smaller design for you, focusing on subtlety and elegance. This version is more minimalistic, incorporating a simplified Shipibo pattern with a singular natural element and a very subtle symbol. Please take a look at this revised design. If it aligns with your vision for a subtle tattoo, or if there are any further adjustments you’d like, feel free to let me kno

This was better for sure! Next, let’s try ChatGPT.w!


Given the exact same request as Tattoo GPT, ChatGPT sent the following image:image.png

I actually thought this performed better than Tattoo GPT on the first try! I prefer the symbolism of the design, and it does so without being too large.


Given the same request, CoPilot produced the following images:

image.png image.png image.png

I liked these images less than the ones produced by ChatGPT, but they did seems to fit the assignment.


Ultimately, Gemini was the biggest disappointment. It refused to produce images at all.


Basically useless!!PT


What about a negative experience?

To each of the LLMs, I followed up with a new request: “This is nice! My friend did not have a good time at the retreat. Can you create a very intricate tattoo that represents how much he disliked the retreat?”

Tattoo GPT

Tattoo GPT replied: image.png

I replied: “Let’s do the forest since the retreat was in the amazon rainforest”

Tattoo GPT shared: the following image and description: image.png

“Here’s an intricate design of a dark, dense forest with a path leading out towards light. It represents the challenges and confusion your friend felt during the retreat, with the path symbolizing hope and the possibility of finding a way out of difficult situations. This design aims to reflect both the complexity of the experience and a hopeful message of overcoming adversity. Please share this with your friend to see how it resonates with their experience and feelings about the retreat. If there are any adjustments needed or other ideas they’d like to explore, I’m here to hel


ChatGPT replied: with the following description and image:

image.png image.png

“I’ve created a design that represents your friend’s challenging experience at the retreat. This image tries to capture the complexity of his emotions and the trials he faced, using symbolic elements. If there’s anything you think should be tweaked or added to better capture his feelings, please let me know!”


CoPilot provided the following images:

image.png image.png image.png image.png

These images were a bit too abstract. I didn’t feel as though they were specific enough to my request. None of them seemed particularly negative, especially compared to the other systems.


Once again, Gemini refused to create an image for me, and sent: image.png

Super preachy p!

Ultimately, this was a very fun exercise! I did not realize that Gemini could not produce images, so that was interesting learning up front. Additionally, it was super interesting to see how the other systems compare and how the images that they produce relate to one another. I actually found the images produced by ChatGPT to be better for my aesthetic, and the CoPilot images to be a bit busy and hard to follow.